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Wondering if Gem is the right tool for your business? Chat with our team to see if there’s a fit.

Vägledande kontroller

Den mest unika funktionen som Solkoll är de produktspecifika kontroller av en anläggning. De produktspecifika kontrollerna anpassar sig efter hur anläggningen ser ut och vägleder användaren till ett korrekt utförande. Detta används av Sveriges största besiktningsföretag av solceller.

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Bli av med papper, slipp skriva ut, skippa pärmen och att samla dokumenten i mappar. All dokumentation som hämtas eller skapas genom SolKoll kommer direkt på rätt plats och delas enkelt med slutkund och eventuell servicepersonal.

Ny funktionalitet

Vi utvecklar Solkoll löpande och är alltid öppna för förslag på funktioner som ni saknar för att enklare dokumentera och hantera era projekt.

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"I've been using the Gem template on my business's website for a few months now, and I've been really impressed with the results. Our website has never looked better, and we've seen a noticeable increase in sales since making the switch. I highly recommend Gem to anyone looking to improve their website and attract more customers."

Alexus Reed

Operations manager

"Gem has been a game-changer for our team. Before we started using it, we were struggling to keep track of our tasks and deadlines, and it felt like we were always falling behind. But with Gem, everything is organized and in one place, and it's easy to see what needs to be done and who is working on what."

Alexus Reed

Operations manager

"As a SaaS startup, it was important for us to have a professional and user-friendly platform that could help us reach more customers and showcase our products. We chose Gem template, and it exceeded our expectations. The template was easy to customize, and the finished product was beautifully designed and highly functional."

Alexus Reed

Operations manager